Friday, 3 July 2020

Home › › 5 mistakes ladies do in Relationship that end them up in Heartbreak

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Nowadays, most girls jumb into
relationship without taking
precautions thereby making them
end up in heartbreak or marriage
failure. Most girls think
relationship is all about having a
guy you love, but if you want a
successful relationship that will
lead to marriage, you have to
consider some things, of which
include getting a right man.
There are some common mistake
girls make when it to relationship
which include:
1. He is a good man
most girls dont border to know
the type of man they keep in a
relationship. They just assume he
is a good man he wont do
anything wrong.
2. My parents like him
some girls are into relationship
with a man just because her
parents or friends love him. And
this is wrong since you are the
one in the relationship not them.
3. All men are the same.
some girls think all men cheats, so
they dont pay attention in
relationship, which is wrong. Not
all men cheat. Some are faithful.
4. He will change
some girls are into a relationship
with a man they know is not
serious, they believe with time
he wil change or they can change
him, until after long time or after
marriage they discover he is still
a bad man.
5. I only love his money
it is common among girls
nowadays to go into relationship
just because of money, as a
result they can end up in

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