Sunday 8 April 2018

Home › › How to Fix bx_oro0zn error when uploading theme in Blogger

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Today I will be written on bx error when uploading theme on blogger.
sometimes people face alot of bx errors while uploading theme in blogger of which is the bx error.and most times you don't know the causes of these bx error, a good example is bx_oro0zn error,

Many webmasters has tried sendind feedback to blogger and they will tell you bx_ error are temperary, but i face the error for more than 2 months.they suggest solution like;

- clear your browser cache
- turn off safemode
- use another browser

but i tried all the above method and it still didn't work. before i proceed let me tell you my own experience on bx_oro0zn error while uploading theme in blogger.

I was using the default theme provided by blogger, i needed to do some customization so i took a backup of my theme and save it on my phone, i edited the theme, made some changes and when i wanted to uploaded it i got


i followed the solution they gave me and uploaded it again and i got another bx_3mg2x errox, i ask other people using blogger to know if they too are getting the error, but Not everybody are getting the error,

i started thinking on my own,creating possible reasons for this bx error, I tried some tips and successfuly i was able to upload theme in blogger without getting any bx error and i came to a conclusion on possible reasons for getting bx_oro0zn error when uploading theme

-- corrupted or bad theme/templete
-- uploading some themes when using show mobile theme on mobile theme option.

How to stop getting bx_oro0zn and other bx error when uploading theme in blogger

Test theme before uploading
bx_oro0zn error and other bx error are caused by corrupted theme,wrong html synthax, so it is a good idea to test your theme before uploading it.

There are various android app you can use to test and check error on your theme e.g Notepad, xml editor and even your Google chrome browser, yes you can use chrome to test your blogger theme, these doesn't require data connection just follow these step

1. save your theme to a folder you can easily access
2. write down the theme location from your file manager.
3. locate the theme, at the top you will see a navigation from file manager to the theme write it down.

example: the name of my theme is bloggertheme.xml in the folder "download" from the file manager it is located in


step 4. open your chrome browser
step 5. in the address bar write
file:/// then your theme location
step 6. load it, it will show you a preview of the theme and if there is any error it will show it at the top

correct any error and upload the theme again, you won't get any bx_oro0zn error again

1.make sure your theme don't have errors
2. if are not sure on how to fix the error on the theme, try getting the origimal theme if you are use custom theme.

hope you found this tutoria helpful,share to friend
if you have any question write it on the comment box below.

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